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Increase in Total Polar Material (TPM) affects the taste and aroma of fried food giving it a stale odour. It is also associated with diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes & liver diseases.

Increase in Free Fatty Acid (FFA) lowers the surface tension of oil leading to increase in oil absorption by food. This can result in oily food.

Filtratech ULTRA reduces Total Polar Material (TPM) and Free Fatty Acid (FFA), both of which cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other lifestyle diseases. Filtratech ULTRA makes the oil healthier.

Life of the cooking/edible oil varies according to the products being fried in the cooking/edible oil. For a new user of Filtratech ULTRA a 30% to 50% increase in life of cooking/edible oil could be achieved.

During frying of food oil soaks into food and becomes part of it. As oil deteriorates on repeat frying, dissolved impurities in the oil get soaked into the food thereby making it unhealthy & affecting its taste, texture and appearance. Using Filtratech ULTRA daily ensures these impurities are taken out from the oil. So, the oil that comes into contact with food is healthier.

Filtratech ULTRA will work on any variety of cooking /edible oil, ghee (clarified butter) and vanaspati (hydrogenated vegetable fat)

Using Filtratech ULTRA will make the cooking / edible oil healthier without changing the original taste

Filtratech ULTRA is an inert powder and is safe for use. Filtratech ULTRA meets food grade specifications & is fully licensed by the FSSAI (Lic. No. 11521018000847)

ONLY 3.33 g per litre of used oil
Recommented Filtratech ULTRA Dosage
Filtratech ULTRA Filtration Machine Filtratech ULTRA Dosage
FV – 15 – 001 50 gm
FV – 25 – 001 84 gm
FV – 50 – 001 168 gm (84 gm x 2 packets)

No, Filtratech ULTRA is not an additive as it does not remain in the oil after filtration